

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Hubbards


James Hubbard m. Naomi Cocke

Samuel Hubbard m. Tacy Cooper

Ruth Hubbard m. Robert Burdick

Deborah Burdick m. Joseph Crandall

Mary Crandall m. Nathaniel Wells

Deborah Wells m. Thomas Partelow, Sr

Thomas Partelow, Jr. m. Martha Maccoone

Hannah Partelow m. Rufus Mulkins

Thomas Partelow Mulkins m. Annie

Sarah Ann Mulkins m. Valentine Mohney

Silas Warren Mohney m. Margaret Jane McCamey

Valentine Edward Mohney m. Margaret Annetta Book

Donald EdwardMohney m. Nettie Lynda Lindbeck

Donna Evalyn Mohney

Seventh Day Baptists in North America

The first recorded Seventh Day Baptist meeting was held at The Mill Yard Church in London in 1651 but some Seventh Day Baptists believe that it had originated in 1617.

Stephen Mumford. came from England to Newport, R.I., in 1664-5. He was a Seventh-Say Baptist and quickly began to share his religious beliefs.

Samuel Hubbard's Journal gives this information: that he was originally from Tewkesbury, England, that he and his wife were of the number who made up the first Seventh-day Baptist church in America, and that he made at least one trip back to England.

Mumford converted several members of the First Baptist Church of Newport.

He does not seem to have given formal speeches or sermons so must have converted them individually.

Samuel Hubbard’s Journal can be found in the library of Milton College, Wis., In it, Samuel stated "My wife took up keeping of the Lord's holy 7th day Sabbath the 10 day March, 1665; I took it up one day April, 1665; our daughter Ruth, 25 Oct., 1666; Rachel, Jan. 15 day 1666; Bethiah, Feb. 1666; our son Joseph Clarke, 23 Feb., 1666." From the records, it is quite evident that Tacy Hubbard was the first to embrace the Sabbath in America.

After prominent church members- Elder John Clarke, Obadiah Holmes and others (Who earlier had fought along with Elder John Crandall to achieve religious freedoms themselves!) denounced them as heretics, Wild and wife, and Solman and wife went back to the Baptist church. They were called to an open trial to show cause as to why they had denied Christ.. They appeared expecting a fair hearing but found that they were there to be compelled to abandon their beliefs. Tacy Hubbard gave 3 points - the "Grounds" for their grievance:

1. The apostasy of those 4 persons.

2. The speech of Brother Holmes.

3. The dismal lying aside of the 10 precepts and the denying of them at the meeting.

Finding no agreement and rising tension, they withdrew from the church on 7 Dec. 1671. Very soon after, on 23 December 1671, they established the first Seventh Day Baptist church in America. Samuel and Tacy Hubbard were two of the first 7 members who joined together for worship, calling themselves Sabbatarian Baptists. Seventh-day Sabbatarianism spread across the country.

Joseph Crandall became the 3rd pastor of that church and remained in that position for 37 years.

Thomas1 Hubbard birth date unknown. Thomas died May 26, 1555 in England. Thomas Hubbard was a gentleman residing at Horden-on-the-Hill, in Essex, England, "of good estate and great estimation," and "zealous and religious in the true service of God." It is believed that the story of Thomas Highbed in Fox's Book of Martyrs, refers to him. During the reign of Queen Mary, [known as, "Bloody Mary"] who was a Catholic, it was decided to eliminate all Protestants. Thomas was considered to be an 'outspoken and dangerous' Protestant.who was “of such property and estimation that when they were reported to Bonner as holding scriptural doctrines, Bishop Bonner apparently feared the consequences of summoning them to London, and went himself to attempt privily their perversions from the truth. Thomas was seized and imprisoned He refused to recant his Protestantism and was burned at the stake May 26, 1555. in Essex, England.

Thomas Hubbard had the following children:

James Hubbard.

Richard Hubbard. He was christened in Mendelsham, Suffolk, England, September 13, 1562.

Elizabeth Hubbard. She was christened in Mendelsham, Suffolk

James Hubbard birth date unknown. James died in Mendelsham, Suffolk, England. He married Naomi Cocke. Naomi was the daughter of Thomas Cocke. Naomi died in Mendelsham, Suffolk, England. James Hubbard was a yeoman’ of Mendelsham, Suffolk, England, 80 miles northwest of London. His Testament (printed in 1549) "which he hid in his bedstraw lest it should be found and burned in Queen Mary's days," was brought to America by his son Samuel, and is possibly in the Library of Alfred University, at Alfred Centre, NY.

James Hubbard and Naomi Cocke had the following children:

Rachel Hubbard was born in England. Rachel married John Brandish. They came to America in 1633, and lived in Salem, MA, Wethersfield, CT, and Fairfield, In England, he had been suspected to be a Protestant. Unlike his father, James escaped persecution.”

Benjamin Hubbard.

James Hubbard. He was christened in Mendelsham, Suffolk, ENG, August 14, 1603.

Sarah Hubbard was born 1598. Sarah, and her husband John Jackson, lived in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. They had a son, Robert Jackson, who served four years under Oliver Cromwell.

Thomas Hubbard was born 1604. Thomas and his wife Esther lived on Freeman Lane, near Horsley, in Southwark, London.

Samuel Hubbard

Four others apparently remained in England

Samuel Hubbard was born in Mendelsham, Suffolk, England May 10, 1610. amd died 1689 in Newport, Newport Co, RI. He married Tacy Cooper in Windsor, Hartford Co, CT, January 4, 1635/6. Tacy was born in England February 12, 1608/9. Tacy died circa 1697 in Newport, Newport Co, RI.

Samuel says of himself: "Such was the pleasure of Jehovah towards me, I was born of good parents, my mother brought me up in the fear of the Lord, in Mendelsham, in catechising me and hearing choice ministers, &c."

Menddelsham was a market town about eighty miles northeast of London), Suffolk County,

10 Oct 1633 - Salem, MA. He came this month from England. He probably came in the ship James, Grant, master, which left Gravesend, England late in August, 1633, and arrived in Massachusetts Bay October 10, 1633." Religious persecution is likely what brought Samuel Hubbard to America in 1633.

9 June 1634 Tacy Cooper had come to Dorchester, MA, and was one of the party who left for the Connecticut Valley.

Oct 1635 - With a party of about one hundred, he started to march through the wilderness to the Connecticut Valley; winter coming on before they reached their destination they suffered much from exposure, and insufficient food. Samuel Hubbard remained at Windsor during the winter

4 Jan. 1636 He married Tacy Cooper in Windsor, Hartford Co, CT, Mr. Ludlow was the officiant.

1636, shortly after their marriage, they went to Wethersfield, CT.

18 Nov. 1637 Naomi Hubbard was born in Wethersfield, Hartford Co, CT

28 Nov. 1637 Naomi died in Wethersfield, Hartford Co, CT

19 Oct. 1638 Naomi Hubbard was born in Wethersfield, Hartford Co, CT

11 Jan. 1639/40 Ruth Hubbard was born.

5 May 1643 Naomi died in Springsfield, Hampden Co, MA

10 May 1639 - Springfield, MA. He moved here at this date, in search of peace, and a church was soon gathered; he says: "I gave acct. of my faith" and that there were "five men in wife soon after added."

10 May 1647 "Samuel was now with his wife imbibing freely and preaching ardently the doctrines of Anabaptism." To escape persecution under the harsh laws of Massachusetts they agin moved to Fairfield, CT. His stay here was short: "God having enlightened both, but mostly my wife, into his holy ordinances of baptizing only of visible believers, and being very zealous for it, she was mostly struck at and answered two terms publicly, where I was also said to be as bad as she, and sore threatened imprisonment to Hartford jail, if not to renounce it or to remove; that Scripture came into our mouths, if they persecute you in one place, flee to another; and so we did 2 day of October, 1648, we went for Rhode Island, and arrived there 12 day. I and my wife upon manifestation of our faith were baptized by brother John Clarke, 3 day Nov 1648." And they converted to the doctrine that "no authority existed or could exist for altering God's decree establishing the seventh day as the Sabbath by the substitiution of another day."

Among those chosen as conservators of the rights of the settlers and of t he Rhode Island colonists were Tobias Sanders, Robert Burdick, John Crandall, Joseph Clarke, all Seventh Day Baptists, with others whose names are familiar in all our churches today. For the peaceful performance of their duties, Sanders and Burdick were forcibly seized by the Massachuse tts authorities, dragged to Boston, condemned to pay a fine of 40 each, and cast into prison until the fine would be paid and the prisoners should give bonds in the sum of 100 to observe the peace of the commonwealth for the future. In a similar way, Crandall was dragged to the Hartford jail. Samuel Hubbard (who remained a lifelong friend of Roger Williams) defended Sanders, Burdick, Crandall and Clarke.

10 March 10 1641/2 Rachel Hubbard was born.

25 March 1644. Samuel Hubbard was born in Springfield, Hampden Co, MA

19 Dec. 1646 Bethiah Hubbard was born in Springsfield, Hampden Co, MA 12 Oct 1648, "I and my wife upon manifestation of our faith were baptised by brother Joseph Clarke,

3 day of November, 1648." "He was a zealous Baptist and public religious disputant. For twenty three years he belonged to the First Baptist Church of Newport."

30 Nov. 1649 Samuel Hubbard was born in Newport, Newport Co, RI

7 Aug 1651 - He was sent by the church to visit the brethren in prison at Boston, viz: John Clarke, Obadiah Holmes and John Crandall.

Oct 1652 - "I and my wife had hands laid on us by brother Joseph Torrey." He was admitted Freeman of Newport, RI in 1655.

1 Oct 1657 - "Brother Obadiah Holmes and I went to the Dutch and Gravesend and to Jamaica and to Flushing and to Hamsted and to Cow Bay." They came home 15 Nov 1657.

In 1664 he was chosen to be General Solicitor, in case of inability of Lawrence Turner. He writes: "My wife took up the keeping of the Lord's holy Seventh Day Sabbath. the 10th day March, 1665. I took it up 1 day April 1665; our daughter Ruth, 25 Oct 1666; Rachel, 15 Jan 1666; Bethiah, Feb 1666; our son Joseph Clarke, 23 Feb 1666."

7 Apr 1668 - "I went to Boston to public dispute with those baptised there."

Jul 1668 - He wrote his cousin, John Smith, of London, from Boston, where he had been to a disputation: "Through God's great mercy, the Lord have given me in this wilderness, a good, diligent, careful, painful and very loving wife; we, through mercy, live comfortably, praised be God, as co- heirs together of one mind in the Lord, traveling through this wilderness to our heavenly Sion, knowing we are pilgrims as our fathers were, and good portion being content therewith. A good house, as with us judged, 25 acres of ground fenced, and four cows which give, one young heifer and three calves, and a very good mare, a trade, a carpenter, a health to follow it, and my wife very diligent and painful, praised be God. This is my joy and crown, in humility I speak of it, for God's Glory, I trust all, both sons in law and daughters are in visible order in general; but in especial manner my son Clarke and my three daughters, with my wife and about 14 walk in the observation of God's holy sanctified 7 day Sabbath, with much comfort and liberty, for so we and all ever had and yet have in this Colony."

16 Dec 1671 - He wrote to his children at Westerly, about the differences between those favoring the seventh day observance and the rest of the church. Several spoke on both sides. Mr. Hubbard gave his views. Brother Torrey said they required not my faith. Other discussion followed: "They replied fiercely, it was a tumult. J. Torrey stopped them at last."

7 Dec. 1671 Excommunicated from the church when Rev. Obidiah Holms declared that they had left Christ and gone after Moses.

23 Dec, 1671 With his wife, one daughter, and four other persons he formed the first Seventh Day Baptist Church in America. He writes: "We entered into a church covenant the 23rd day of December, 1671, viz: William Hiscox, Stephen Mumford, Samuel Hubbard, Roger Baxter, sister Hubbard, sister Mumford, Rachel Langworthy," &c.

(There is a letter from Roger Williams to Samuel Hubbard, in which he argues the position taken by the latter, and cites various texts against his views; but it is written in a very different spirit from that shown by the Newport church, and recognizes the conscientious motives which actuated Hubbard. "Bro' Hiscox and I send this Church to N. London and Westerly, 7 day Mar 1675," and again March, 1677/8 and 1686.)

1675 - He says: "I have a testament of my grandfather Cocke's, printed 1549, which he hid in his bedstraw, lest it be found and burned, in Queen Mary's days."

1 Nov 1675 - He wrote Mr. Henry Reeves, at Jamaica; "Very sudden and strange changes these times afford in this, our age, everywhere, as I hear and now see in N.E. God's hand seems to be stretched out against N. England, by wars by the natives, and many Englishmen fall at present." "This island doth look to ourselves as yet, by mercy not one slain, blessed be God." "My wife and 3 daughters, who are all here by reason of the Indian war, with their 15 children, desire to remember their christian love to you."

Nov 1676, he writes: "In the midst of these troubles of the war [King Philip's War] Lieut. Joseph Torrey, Elder of Mr. Clarke's Church, having one daughter living at Squamicut and his wife being there, he said unto me `Come, let us send a boat to Squamicut, my all is there, and part of yours.' We sent a boat, and his wife, his daughter and son in law and all their children and my two daughters, and their children [one had eight, the other three, with an apprentice boy] all came. .. My son Clarke came afterwards before winter, and my other daughter's husband in the spring, and they have all been at my house to this day."

Feb 26, 1676, he writes a nephew at Rye: "I bless my God, my condition is comfortable, and I am very well contented with knowing it is more to give than to receive. ...My wife and daughter Langworthy desired me to write about flax, yet if you bring some 20 pound if at a pound of flax for a pound of wool, it's so at Stonington; if bring Indian Corn it's now 4 pound of wool a bushel and I think it wiil be more."

Sep 2, 1677, he writes: "Truely Children for the present I am not altogether beset with thoughts (as its judged from Satan) I have been in very sore exercise, ever since br. Hiscox came to ye and a week before, occasioned by a sudden sentence of the Ch. declaring yet I have not the gift of prophesying publickly in the church tho' hereto fore judged by those brethren of the Old Ch. Yet by most here and encouraged in it, was so sorely set on, that I was horribly tempted to deny all, yet kept; but sorely harried. I pray be silent in this manner for the present."

29 Jun 1678 - He wrote Dr. Stennett, of London: "From my own house in Mayford, in Newport," &c. "Last winter the Lord visited me with a very sore cough as long as strength, and breath did last, oft 5 times together only a little respite; my dear wife oft took her farewell of me, my dear brethren watched me in their terms. Major Cranston [his physician] I sent for - he judged none help or hope for sure, but for present refreshment he gave me a small vial of spirits, which I took, and had some sleep, but my cough rather increased." He was visited by the church which drew into the other room agreeing to seek God's face for me poor one. "The next day I would have gone to town to give public praise, but was advised not to go," &c. "Our Governor died the 19th day of June, 1678, buried 20th day, all this island was invited, many others were there, judged near a thousand people, our brother Hiscox spake there excellently," &c.

1680 – Samuel is taxed 6s. 2d.

1683, Samuel Hubbard went by water to visit friends at Rye, returning by Fairfield, Milford, New Haven, Guilford, Lyme, New London, and Westerly, arriving home after six weeks absence, Sept 25.

May 23, 1684, he writes: "What marvelous rich grace..hath made known his holy sabbath to such poor worms: first to my wife, I next, the first settlers or planters in N.E. (abrother and a sister came over with the practice of it)."

19 Dec 1686 - He wrote to John Thronton, of Providence: "My old brother who was before me, you and brother Joseph Clarke (only alive) in that ordinance of baptism, I next and my wife in New England, although we stept before you in other ordinances: Oh! let us strive still to be first in the things of God," &c. ..."My wife and I counted up this year 1686: My wife a creature 78 years, a convert 62 years, married 50 years and independent and joined to a church 52 years, a baptist 38 years, a Sabbath Keeper 21 years. I a creature of 76 years, a convert 60 years and independent and joined to a church 52 years, a baptist 38 years, a Sabbath Keeper 21 years. We are by rich grace bornup and adorned with rich mercies above many, as to have all my three daughters in the same faith and order, and 2 of their husbands and 2 of my grandaughters and their husbands also with us. O praise the Lord for his goodness endures forever! Not to us, not to us poor creatures. These may be my last lines unto you, farewell."

7 May 1688 - He wrote Richard Brooks, of Boston: "The mesles is not gone here. My daughter Rachel have them and some of her family." "

1689 Samuel dies in Newport, Newport Co, RI

ca 1698 Tacy died in Newport, Newport Co, RI.

Samuel Hubbard and Tacy Cooper had the following children:

Naomi Hubbard was born in Wethersfield, Hartford Co, CT November 18, 1637. Naomi died November 28, 1637 in Wethersfield, Hartford Co, CT, at less than one year of age.

Naomi Hubbard was born in Wethersfield, Hartford Co, CT October 19, 1638. Naomi died May 5, 1643 in Springsfield, Hampden Co, MA, at 4 years of age.

Ruth Hubbard was born January 11, 1639/0.

Rachel Hubbard was born March 10, 1641/2. 1

Samuel Hubbard was born in Springsfield, Hampden Co, MA March 25, 1644. Samuel died in died young.

Bethiah Hubbard was born in Springsfield, Hampden Co, MA December 19, 1646. Bethiah died April 17, 1707 in Westerly, Washington Co, RI, at 60 years of age. She married Joseph Clarke in Newport, Newport Co, RI, November 16, 1664. Joseph was born in Newport, Newport Co, RI April 2, 1643. Joseph died January 11, 1726/7 in Westerly, Washington Co, RI, at 83 years of age. He was christened in Westerly, Washington Co, RI, September 30, 1643.

Samuel Hubbard was born in Newport, Newport Co, RI November 30, 1649. Samuel died January 20, 1670/1 in Newport, Newport Co, RI, at 21 years of age.


Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island

Seventh Day Baptists in Europe and America; August 20-25, 1902. (Plainfield, N.J., Printed for the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference by the American Sabbath Tract Society, 1910-1972), 3 vols. Vol 2, p. 589:

The Descendants of Robert Burdick of R I by Johnson

The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island by Austin.

English Martyrology, Abridged from Fox-Book 3 Chapter 14; page 227.

The Ancestors and Descendents of Rev. Henry Clark" C.C. VanDauenter 1902

One Thousand Years of Hubbard History (866 to 1895) by Edward Warren Day,1896

Dornbirer Family | Lauricella Family http://www.lauricellas .com/tree.htm

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Thomas and Elizabeth (Bending) Chizum

Josiah and Mary (Webster) Chizum

James and Frances (Thompson) Chizum

James Jenkins and Catherine (Bailey) Chizum

George Manson and Mabel Catherine (Holler) Chizum

Estel Lee and Erma Joyce (Kauffman) Chizum

Philip Lee Chizum and Donna Evalyn Mohney

Shaun Michael Mohney

George Manson Chizum was born in Clinton County, Indiana, son of James Jenkins and Catherine (Bailey) Chizum. (There is some question as to when he was born. At his marriage to Mable, he gives his birth as 15 Sep 1875. In 1917, he gave his birthdate as 15 September 1873 when registering for the draft. His death certificate states 15 Nov. 1868.) James' parents were James and Francis (Thompson) Chizum. Catherine's parents were Bazzle/Basil and Sarah Shockey.

On the 1870 Census of Colfax Post Office, Perry, Clinton County, Indiana, George is listed as 1 year old.

On the 1880 Census Perry Township, Clinton County, Indiana, George's age is given as 9. (George’s age on these censuses gives credence to the 1868 birth date.) At that time, the family consisted of Francis, William Bazzel, Elias Hinton, John Thomas, Elizabeth Jane, Joseph F., Sarah Ann, and Elijah. Another brother, James, was deceased.

On 19 April 1888, George's mother, Catherine, died. Less than a year later, on 2 December 1888, his father, James Jenkins Chizum married Emaline (Emma) Warfield Smith.

Sometime after this, probably about 1889, George left home, ending up in Texas. Some family histories state that he left at age 14, after his father remarried. But if he left after his father’s remarriage, he would have been about 18. (In later years, George told his son that there were too many people at home and he wasn't needed.) He became a fireman on the railroad for a few years. He was in a severe railroad wreck while in Texas and suffered a broken hip. He walked with a cane, and in his later years was in a wheelchair.

On 17 Feb 1895, George married Edna Yancey in Lociel, Benton County, Indiana. The couple had their first child, Walter, in 1895. Walter died 27 November 1895 and was buried in Mount Gilboa Cemetery, Benton County, Indiana. Before 1900, Edna and George divorced and she was living in California with her parents in 1900 when the census was taken, and with her 2nd husband on the 1910 census.

In the 1900 census, George was said to have been born about 1873 and was a boarder in Paw Paw, Wabash County, Indiana.  

By the time the 1910 census was completed, George lived in Liberty, Fulton County, Indiana and was identified as born about 1871, a widower with a farm that was mortgaged, and living alone. Sometime before that, he had purchased a 40 acre farm, one and one-half miles south of Argos on Road 31, for $2,500.

Around this time, George met Mabel Catherine Holler, daughter of John George and Mary Ann (Swails) Holler. Their first daughter, Anna Mildred Chizum, was born 9 April 1911. George and Mabel Catherine were married on 1 October 1911 in Fulton County, Indiana.

Thursday, November 20. 1912, the Rochester Weekly Republican posted “The suit for divorce of Mabel Chizum vs Geo M. Chizum was tried today. A decision will probably be known tomorrow”.

On the same page, the Republican further reported “The divorce suit of of Mabel Chizum vx. George Chizum on the grounds of cruel and inhumane treatment, tried Friday, was dismissed for lack of evidence. What evidence was presented was of a vague and unsatisfactory nature.”

They must have reconciled their differences as on 11 February 1914, Wilbur William Chizum was born And shortly after on 17 August 1915, Howard Marion Chizum joined the family. In 1916, George and Mabel were recorded as living in Sugarloaf Township.

In 1917, George registered for the World War I draft. He was living at #5, Kewanna, Fulton County, Indiana, and was described as a tall, medium build, white male with brown hair and blue eyes, a US citizen, who had a farm and was married to Mabel. The registration card said that he had “weak limbs.”

On 4 September 1918, another son, Arthur Manson Chizum was born.

The family appeared on the 1920 Census of Liberty, Fulton County, Indiana.

On 25 April 1922, George gave information to complete his brother John Thomas Chizum's death certificate.

On 5 April 1922 , Clara Elizabeth Chizum was born, soon followed by Earl Dean on 30 November 1926 and Estel Leland Chizum on 6 March 1928.

On the 1930 and 1940 censuses, the family is living on the farm in Liberty Township, Fulton County, Indiana.

While George ran the farm, Mildred didn't just sit at home and raise their children. At some point, she became a correspondent for the News-Sentinel, the Rochester, Fulton County, newspaper.

On 7 August 1944, Mabel dies of a stroke in Fulton County, Indiana. Only 2 months earlier, she and George had moved to Argos in Marshall County, Indiana.

In 1950, George lived on Pierce Street, Union Township, St Joseph County, Indiana with the family of Warren and Sadie Bunch. He was listed as a lodger who was unable to work. Another lodger, Idear Forkner, age 89, was also unable to work.

On 20 April 1954, George died at the home of his son, Arthur, and was buried in Rochester, Indiana in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery with Mabel. (Death Certificate gives DOB as 15 Nov. 1868 and born in Boone County, Indiana.)

George and Mabel (Holler) Chizum and their first 3 children. 

                                                   George Chizum with Estel Lee on his shoulders. 

Many of the photos are from Larry Chizum's blog. or from various unsourced Ancestry sites.  Thanks to all who shared.